Factors affecting performance of tourism sector in Kenya. ( A case of Kenya Tourism Board, Bomas of Kenya, Kenya Utalii College and Kenya Wildlife Service)
Okemwa, Ogwoka
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The main objective of this study was to look into the factors that affect performance of the tourism sector in Kenya. A sample of 27 respondents was drawn from Kenya Tourism Board. Bomas of Kenya Ltd., Kenya Wildlife Service and Kenya Utalii College, which was used for this research. The data was collected from the respondents, by use of interviews and questionnaires. The data was obtained from the field was analyzed by use of descriptive statistics. Tables. charts. frequencies and percentages were used to define the extent to which the factors affect performance.
From the findings of the study, it can be concluded that insecurity has the highest effect on performance, followed by infrastructure. Marketing strategies, competition and legal framework followed respectively. It is recommended that the organizations use a reasonable amount of the generated revenue for improvement of security and infrastructure. On other factors proper planning and team work with all other stakeholders was recommended. Further research can be conducted to establish how competitor countries like South Africa and Egypt manage their infrastructure and security Issues.
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