A Mathematical Model of HIV and Tb Co-Infection with Interventions, a Case of Siaya County in Kenya

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Vincent, Otieno Brian
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Kenyatta University
In this research, we take into consideration a model of co-infection between HIV/AIDS and TB with treatment of infectious and inactive forms of TB and HIV preventive and therapeutic strategies. Speci cally we consider condom use, early ART and withdrawal from sexual activities by individuals who are infected by HIV as controls. The model is positively bounded. The spectral radius of the next generation matrix has been used to determine the model's fundamental reproduction number. The model displays these equilibria: a disease free and a co-infection equilibrium. By utilizing Routh-Hurwitz standard and center manifold theory, the model has been qualitatively examined. When R0 < 1,we discovered that the disease free equilibrium point was locally asymptotically stable and not globally asymptotically stable. Sensitivity analysis of R0T and R0H identi es $1 and $2, TB and HIV infection rates through e ective contact respectively, as the main variables that if targeted, R0T and R0T are reduced. From numerical simulation,we show that increasing HIV interventions reduces cases of latent TB progressing to active TB and therefore is an additional strategy in the ght against TB disease.
A Project Presented to the School of Pure and Applied Sciences at Kenyatta University in Partial Completion of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Masters of Science in Applied Mathematics, November 2022
A Mathematical Model, HIV and Tb Co-Infection, Interventions, a Case of Siaya County, Kenya