Health-related lifestyles of clients of Kenyatta a university health and Recreation centre
Njororai, W. W. S.
Mwisukha, A.
Onywera, V.O.
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Kenyatta University & KAHPER-SD
The World Health Organization and the
International Federation of Sports Medicine
recommend that daily physical activity should be
accepted as a major aspect of a healthy lifestyles.
However, a healthy lifestyle involve more than just
being active. This study therefore set out to
establish the lifestyle patterns of the fitness clients
of the Kenyatta University Health and Recreation
A total of 81 members were given questionnaires
to fill and return. Out of the 81 only 55 that were
satisfactorily completed were used. The
questionnaire- sought information pertaining to the
clients gender, demographic details, lifestyles,
exercise habits, diet, smoking and drinking. Data
was treated with percentages and Chi-Square
Goodness - of- Fit as necessary. The results
arranged in twelve tables led to conclusions that
the lifestyles of the clients in the fitness programs
at the Kenyatta University Health and Recreation
Center were varied. This is an indication that it is
appropriate to design programs that are
individualized so as to meet the unique interests
and needs of the participants.
Research Article
Lifestyle, Diet, Exercise, Recreation, Chi Square Goodness - of-Fit.
East African Journal of Physical Education Vol.1 Issue 1 March 2003