Employee Engagement and Employee Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Nyeri County, Kenya
Kago, Esther Wanjiku
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Kenyatta University
Nyeri County general data on the teachers competence and professionalism between the year 2015 and 2019 has been on the decline. Nyeri County is thus representative of many other similar counties in Kenya, where low levels of change, a lack of competency, and instructor ineptitude have been regularly observed. The mean scores of pupils are an indication of the practices of teachers and, more precisely, how the school administration, TSC, and the Ministry of Education handle the Human Resource aspects of the teachers. The relationship between teachers engagement on their performance in Nyeri County is not clear since scanty of empirical literature done have presented a contradicting findings and diverse operationalization of the study variables. The study's overall goal was to determine the impact of employee engagement on teacher performance in public secondary schools in Nyeri County, Kenya. The specific objectives were to determine the impact of rewards on teacher performance in public secondary schools in Nyeri County, Kenya, the impact of employee empowerment on teacher performance in public secondary schools in Nyeri County, Kenya, the impact of interpersonal relationships on teacher performance in public secondary schools in Nyeri County, Kenya, and the mediating effect of training on the relationships. Self-determination Theory, Hertzberg two factor theory and Job Demands Resource Theory were used to explain the variables interaction. Descriptive research design was used and unit of analysis were 311 public secondary school teachers in Nyeri County. The unit of analysis was 175 secondary school teachers. A sample of 175 teachers through stratified and simple random sampling were used. Semi-Structured questionnaire was used to collect primary data. Construct and content validity tests were carried out. Reliability was tested through the use of Cronbach Alpha and a threshold of 0.7 was accepted. Quantitative analysis used to analyse closed ended questions. Qualitative analysis was used to analyse open ended questionnaires. Tables and figures were used to present both qualitative and quantitative data. The results indicated that the teachers are dissatisfied with their current pay and do not get overtime benefits. The study found that welfare services from their employer such as health services, housing, security, educational and recreational services was below the expectations. The results indicates that teachers in majority of the schools fully attend to their duties with minimum supervision. As a united community working to assist student academic success, empowerment encourages team members to learn about themselves and others so that they may relate, engage, and contribute more effectively. The instructor-student relations and connection has long been thought to have a substantial impact on the teacher's growth and achievement. The findings found that instructors who have positive social relationships with their colleagues and principal, as well as high-performing peers, had a much better probability of achieving high performance levels. According to the findings, reward played a substantial role in explaining changes in employee performance. Employee empowerment improved employee performance in a substantial way. According to the findings, there is a substantial link between interpersonal relationships and employee performance.Teachers' basic salaries should be enhanced to motivate them more, which will strengthen their dedication.
A Research Project Submitted to the School of Business in the Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Award of Degree in Master of Business Administration (Human Resource Option) Of Kenyatta University, March, 2022
Employee Engagement, Employee Performance, Public Secondary Schools, Nyeri County, Kenya