Research Agenda on Social Entrepreneurship Education, Regulatory Framework and the Global Sustainability Agenda

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Mwasiaji, Evans
Gravenir, Fredrick
Kombo, Kisilu
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Globeedu Group
The purpose of this study was to review literature using a meta-analysis approach in collecting data to identify gaps in the phenomenon of sustainable development goals, social entrepreneurship education, regulatory framework and its link to sustainability objectives. The study established that progress in vital areas of the global sustainability agenda, including reducing inequality, lowering carbon emissions and tackling hunger, had either stalled or reversed. Activities necessary in the global sustainability agenda amidst coronavirus disease outbreak are non-binding with countries expected to create their own national plans, including the sources and extent of required financing remaining ambiguous, resulting in little global progress towards the desired objectives. There are also social entrepreneurship education related research gaps, in addition to studies proposing varied models on how best to realize the 2030 global sustainability agenda. This study concluded that young people especially without jobs, children out of school, families without hope, displaced people or those living in fragile or conflict afflicted areas will be left behind especially in the context of COVID-19. This study argues that sustainable development goals can be realized if government, academia and other stakeholders move beyond the current forms of engagement and have social entrepreneurship education cascaded to lower levels of the school curricula. The study has therefore proposed an integrated theoretical model upon which propositions at the abstraction level can be advanced and empirically tested as part of the research agenda.
research article
Social Entrepreneurship Education, Regulatory Framework, Sustainable Development, Goals practices, student outcomes
Mwasiaji, E., Kombo, K., & Gravenir, F. (2022). Research agenda on social entrepreneurship education, regulatory framework and the global sustainability agenda. International Academic Journal of Social Sciences and Education, 2(2), 452-468.