Application of Geospatial Techniques by Police in Crime Prevention in Nairobi City County, Kenya.
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Kenyatta University
Geospatial techniques play an important role in analysis of crime and designing of crime prevention strategies. The use of the new technological tools such as remote sensing and GIS has enhanced and improved capabilities and effectiveness of police agencies. The main objective of the research was to assess the application of geospatial techniques in crime prevention through police crime response strategies examining the technological innovations as a driving force that can lead to reform of crime prevention and control strategies. There were three specific objectives in this the study. First, is to assess the components of geospatial techniques in crime prevention through police response strategies, secondly it was to examine how the application of geospatial techniques influenced crime prevention through police response strategies and thirdly it was to determine the extent of application of geospatial techniques for crime prevention through police response strategies in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The study was underpinned on two theories, the situational crime prevention and crime pattern theory. In this study descriptive survey research design was adopted and the methodology aimed at gathering information utilizing the questionnaires and in-depth interviews. The choice of Nairobi City County as the area of study was informed by accessibility of the essential infrastructure that Geospatial techniques innovation can ride on. One hundred and sixty-five police officers formed the sample size of the study from a target population of 206. Stratified purposive sampling was adopted for the study where each stratum consisted of relatively homogeneous sub group that was randomly selected to reduce biases. Both quantitative and qualitative data was collected. Quantitative data was analyzed utilizing SPSS for computation of statistical summaries. The qualitative data was in the first place arranged systematically into text format and then exported into a spreadsheet. As revealed by the results of the study, the three components of geospatial techniques i.e Geographical Information Systems, Global Positioning System and Remote Sensing were being used for capturing, analyzing and storing crime data. Service delivery in terms of efficiency in police crime response strategies have improved with application of geospatial techniques in crime prevention in Nairobi City County. In order to create harmony in in dissemination of crime data obtained through geospatial techniques the study recommended for a policy to guide the sharing and protecting the information from non-intended dissemination. The researcher has recommended two studies that can be conducted in the future. One, future scholar should conduct a study on dependability of the Integrated Command and Control centre in crime prevention. Secondly, a study should be conducted on the use of Geospatial technology to identify the road traffic accident hotspots in Nairobi.
A Thesis Report Submitted in Partial Fulfilment for the Requirement for the Award of Masters in Security Management and Police Studies to the School of Law, Arts & Social Sciences of Kenyatta University, March 2024