Influence of Taekwondo Training as a Martial Art Sport on Enhancing Mental Wellness of Security Officers in Kenya
Gathoni, Benson
Munayi, Simon
Kimatai, Rotich Jonathan
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CARI Journals
Purpose: The purpose of this research was to investigate whether or not training in taekwondo as
a martial art sport has a positive impact on the mental health of Kenyan security officers.
Methodology: The study used a desk top approach where literature was sought from different
sources. The research was carried out with consideration given to previous theoretical literature,
both published and unpublished.
Findings: Problems with mental wellness is a serious societal and work related issue that has
numerous ramifications, including far-reaching social and economic impact in Kenyan security
officers. However, a significant number of security officers do not seek help when they are
experiencing issues with their mental wellness. Research in this area is scant, but there are
suggestions that training in Taekwondo as martial arts sport may be an effective sports-based
intervention for mental wellness, and that it may provide an affordable alternative to psychological
therapy to security officers both public and private.
Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: Uncertainty regarding the validity and
trustworthiness of previous research is unfortunately caused by the limited number of studies that
are relevant to the topic at hand, in addition to other methodological issues.
Taekwondo training, martial art sport, mental wellness
Gathoni , B., Munayi, S., Rotich, J. K. ., & Njuno, A. N. . (2024). Influence of Taekwondo Training as a Martial Art Sport on Enhancing Mental Wellness of Security Officers in Kenya. International Journal of Humanity and Social Sciences, 2(1), 83–92.