Influence of Strategic Leadership on Service Delivery in Devolved Units in Kenya: Case of Kwale County
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Kenyatta University
Kenya has continued to experience fundamental changes in its institutions since the formulation of the new constitution. Devolution has significantly reduced the powers and functions of the national government and delocalized authority to the county level. However, the effects and changes to ensure effective service delivery are yet to be realized. This study thus sought to determine how strategic leadership influence service delivery in Kenya's devolved units using Kwale County as a case study. The specific objectives of the study were to evaluate the influence of leadership conceptualization, shaping organizational culture, and resource mobilization on service delivery in Kwale County. The study was anchored on the resource-based view theory and contingency theory. Using a descriptive research design, the study aimed to gather data from 81 senior county employees in Kwale from each of the 10 ministries. The study sample consisted of 81 individuals since the researcher utilized a census sampling strategy to pick the respondents. Most of the data was acquired via questionnaires. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data, and tables were created to display the results. The researcher honored the participants' ethical rights in the study by keeping the respondents' data anonymous. The study's participants were made aware that their participation was entirely optional and that the information gathered would only be utilized for educational purposes. Regression and correlation analysis were used to look at inferential statistics, while descriptive data was shown in descriptive tables. Multiple regression study revealed a negative, non-significant linear correlation (p=0.212, ρ>0.05) between Kwale County's leadership conceptualization and service delivery. However, there was proof of a favorable, although not statistically significant, linear relationship (p=0.384, ρ>0.05) between Kwale County's organizational culture and service delivery. Nevetheless, there was proof of a significant inverse relationship (p=0.048, ρ
Research Project Submitted to the School of Law, Arts and Social Sciences in Partial Fullfillment of the Requirement for the Award of the Degree of Master of Arts in Public Policy and Administration of Kenyatta University, August 2024.
David Minja