Home-based Strategies Applied to Enhance Students’ Academic Performance in Public Day Secondary Schools in Embu North District, Embu County, Kenya

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Nzoka, Jackline T.
orodho, John Aluko
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Academic Hosting & Event Management Solutions
The study sought to analyze home-based strategies employed to enhance students’ academic performance of students in day secondary schools in Embu District, Embu County, Kenya. The study was guided by the Capital Theory of School Effectiveness and Improvement based on various interrelated variables such as outcomes, leverage, intellectual capital and social capital. A descriptive survey research design was adopted. Combinations of purposive and stratified random sampling techniques were utilized to draw a sample of 144 respondents constituting 54 BoM members, 36 PTA members, 9 principals and 45 HoDs. Questionnaires were the main instruments used to collect data. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistic generated by Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Computer programme version 20.0. Qualitative data from interview guides were analyzed using thematic approaches. The study established that the various home based strategies used to enhance students academic performance included : role modeling by prominent parents, inspirational speakers, communication of high expectations goals, parental support of school activities and youth bond with families. Despite these strategies aimed at improving school outcomes, students’ academic performance has remained relatively poor in the study locale. It was recommended that; School managers should undergo in-service training in school management , the youth be sensitized on the importance of basic education to enable them support school programmes , quality assurance and standards officers to intensify enforcement of government policies related to quality education and ensure school principals and their deputies are of mixed gender to serve as school-based role models, amongst others
Research Article
Management strategies, Home based variables, Enhanced academic performance, Secondary schools, Embu North District, Embu County, Kenya
European Journal of Business and Management Vol.7, No.9, 2015