Workplace Environment and Employee Performance in Kenya Commercial Bank, Nairobi County, Kenya

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Njeri, Nganga Lucy
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Kenyatta University
In Kenya, commercial banks are facing high employee turnover, absenteeism, as well as significant losses brought by employee laxity due to poor working situations which is attributed to the workplace environment within the Kenya commercial bank. The general objective was to assess the association between workplace environment and employee performance in KCB Head Office, Nairobi County. Precisely, the study examined the influence of psychosocial environment, physical environment, policies environment as well as work life balance on employee performance in KCB. Theories used in this study include person-environmental fit, Maslow hierarchy of need, social exchange, spillover as well as Herzberg two factor theories. Moreover, this research utilized descriptive research method. The study targeted 159 employees in human resources, finance and accounting, marketing, operations, research and development and information communication technology at KCB head office. The study used the census method to choose respondents. Hence, sample size was 159 participants. Primary data was utilized in the study. A structured questionnaire was selected instrument for data collection. A pilot test was conducted to examine the questionnaires validity and reliability. With use of the SPSS version 23.0 software, descriptive statistics such as percentages, mean, standard deviation, and frequencies were used to examine the quantitative data that was obtained. Data was displayed in form of prose. The information obtained from the open-ended questions was then analyzed utilizing narrative analysis. Moreover, to assess the strength of association between variables, the researcher performed a correlation analysis. The association between work environment and employee performance was examined using multiple regressions at KCB Head Office in Nairobi County. The study found that physical environment, psychosocial environment, policies environment and work life balance had positive statistical significant influence on employee performance in KCB. On physical environment, the study concluded that the bank’s physical environment is good because all the rooms are well ventilated with enough space and good lighting and there is positive relationship among the employees. On psychosocial environment, the study concluded that the employees are provided with a clear defined roles and responsibilities which motivate them in their workplace and there is good support from the supervisors. On policies environment, the study concluded that the bank encourages discussions among its employees concerning their working hours and assurance of security in their job roles. On work life balance, the study concluded that a good work life balance can help employees feel more in control of their working lives, which can lead to increased productivity. On physical environment, the study recommended that the bank should provide some relaxing chairs or lounges for staff use and make sure there is enough break-out space for taking breaks throughout the day. On psychosocial environment, the study recommended that the management should make sure that each employee has regular access to their manager. On policies environment, the study recommended that the management should develop and enforce strong policies and procedures to improve workplace culture and protect itself from lawsuits. On work life balance, the study recommended that the bank should provide flexible and remote working options and encourage managers to prioritize productivity over hours.
Project Submitted to the School of Business in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of Masters of Business Administration (Human Resource Management) Kenyatta University, November, 2022
Workplace Environment, Employee Performance, Kenya Commercial Bank, Nairobi County, Kenya