The Impact of Colonial Physical Training Syllabi on the Development of Physical Education and Sport in Nigeria with Particular Reference to 1933 Syllabus.
Ladani, B. A.
Mwisukha, A.
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East African Journal of Physical Education, Sports Science, Leisure and Recreation Management
The partition of Africa and the finding of the River Niger brought Nigeria under British rule. This paper examines British Physical Training syllabus in Nigeria and their impact on the development of sports in the country. The paper identified the three British Physical Training syllabi and examined each one of them. The syllabi were the 1918, 1927 and 1933 editions. From the examinations of each of the syllabi, it was found that the 1918 and 1927 syllabi made no significant contributions to the development of Physical Education or sports in the country because of their military nature. However, it was discovered that the 1933 Physical Training syllabus was the best and the activities that were included prepared children for competitive sports, and the formations for the performance of the activities were all shown through Empire Day Celebrations
East African Journal of Physical Education, Sports Science, Leisure and Recreation Management, Vol. 1 Issue 2, September, P. 1-8.