Teacher’s Characteristics on Implementation of Competency-Based Curriculuminper-Primary Schools in Kiambu County,Kenya
Nthiga, Jane Wawira
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Kenyatta University
Many education stakeholders are concerned because the implementation of competence- based curriculum has been delayed and fraught with difficulties. Despite the laudable goals of CBC in promoting holistic student development and competence-based learning, challenges persist in its effective execution. Pre-primary teachers, as pivotal facilitators of this trans formative educational approach, bring with them a diverse set of characteristics that may impact the implementation process. These characteristics encompass variables such as teaching experience, educational qualifications, training in CBC methodologies, pedagogicalapproaches, and attitudestowards educationalchange. In Juja, KiambuCounty, Kenya, the study aims to analyze the impact of teachers' characteristics on the implementation of competency-based curriculum. The objectives included; to examine the influence of teacher training, teachers’ experience, teachers’ attitude on implementation of competence-based curriculum in pre-primary schools on implementation of competence- based curriculum. The Curriculum Implementation Theory guided the research. The study took a mixed methodologies approach with a concurrent triangulation research design, which allowed the researcher to apply both quantitative and qualitative approaches at the same time and with equal weight. A total of 304 respondents were surveyed, with 76 headteachers and 228 pre-primary teachers making up the target population. Yamane's Formula picked a sample of 172 from this group. Based on the number of zones in Juja Kiambucounty, stratifiedsamplingwas utilizedtoestablishfourseparatestrata.Atotalof3 headteachers and 40 pre-primary teachers were chosen via purposive sampling from each zone, with a focus on pre-primary schools that had experienced significant difficulties implementing competency-based curriculum. The researcher was able to obtain a sample of 12 headteachers and 160 pre-primary teachers. Data was collected from pre-primary teachers using questionnaires, while headteachers were interviewed using an interview guide. To establish validity and reliability, piloting was undertaken among 17 respondents from a sample of pre-primary schools in Juja Kiambu county. The validity of the study was assessed by experts in early childhood studies and university supervisors. The test-re-test approach was used to determine reliability. Using the Cronbach Alpha Method, a reliability index of r=0.75 was obtained, indicating strong internal reliability. The first step in the data analysis was to uncover similar themes among the respondents' accounts of their experiences. Data in quantitative nature was analysed with the use of Chi-square and presentation was in tables and figures. Themes were used in analyzing qualitative data and displayed in narration. The study concludes that in Juja, Kiambu County, Kenya, a substantial number of teachers in pre-primary schools had not been trained on how to execute the curriculum. Despite the autonomy they have to choose appropriate information, teachers often find the resources unproductive and unsuitable. The findings revealed that majority of teachers received training based on CBC implementation. All pre-primary schoolteachers had anegativeattitudetoward thecurriculum and wereunwillingtoexecute itduetoalackofabilitytodosoduetoalackofproperin-servicetrainingonhowtodoso. The study recommends that the government of Kiambu County, Kenya should establish a regular in-service training program to prepare pre-primary school teachers to apply the curriculum. Teachers should strive to ensure the use of learner centered approaches in spite of the obstacles like heavy workload, lack of adequate time in the implementation of CBC and limited resources. The study also recommends that the Kiambu County government, in collaboration with other education stakeholders, should take advantage of pre-primary school teachers' positive attitudes toward the curriculum and equip them with the necessary knowledgeandskillsforeffectiveimplementationoftheCBCinpublicpre-primaryschools.
A Research Project Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of Master of Education in Early Childhood Studies of Kenyatta University, November 2023.
Teacher’s Characteristics, Implementation of Competency-Based Curriculuminper, Primary Schools, Kiambu County, Kenya