The relationship between employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction in Kenyatta University

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Mathenge, Rose
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This study was seeking to determine the relationship between employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction in Kenyatta University. The study concentrated on employees and the main customers of the university (main campus) who are the students. Thus this research examined the relationship between employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction. The target population was 1177 KU main campus employees and 3868 institution based students who were enrolled in the session. Proportionate stratified random sampling was used to select the sample size. The sample size was 42 employees and 44 students. The study research design used two questionnaires as the research instrument. One of the questionnaires was used for the members of staff while the other questionnaire was used for the students who are the main customers. The data was analyzed using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS).The descriptive survey method was used to conduct the study. It is relevant because it involves specific predictions, with narration of facts and characteristics concerning the individual employee satisfaction. Data presentation is in the form of descriptive statistical such as means, standard deviations, multiple regression coefficient, frequency tables, pie charts and bar graphs. A Standard multiple Linear Regression (MLR) was performed between customer satisfaction as the dependent variable and the four dimensions of employee satisfaction as independent variables. According to the regression equation established, taking all factors (recruitment, training and development and motivation) constant at zero, the relationship between employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction will be 0.779. The data findings analyzed also shows that taking all other independent variables at zero, a unit increase in recruitment process will lead to a 4.592 increase in customer satisfaction. A unit increase in training and development will lead to a 4.489 increase in customer satisfaction; a unit increase in motivation of employees will lead to a 3.694 success on customer satisfaction. This infers that the type of recruitment process of employees in the organization contribute more to customer satisfaction. At 5% level of significance and 95% level of confidence, recruitment process had a 0.059 level of significance, training and development had a 0.463 level of significance, and motivation of employees showed a 0.181 level of significant hence the most significant factor of the relationship between employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction. The research findings revealed that universities employee satisfaction shows both extremes of satisfaction and dissatisfaction. It also showed that customers (students) satisfaction levels are acceptable. The research also revealed that both the employees and the customers are both satisfied and that their relationship is linear. The research findings may be essential in helping the institution of higher learning to attract and retain employees of high caliber who will in turn help in maintain their current customers as well as attracting new customers. Further research should be conducted to investigate the other factors which contribute to the relationship between employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction.
Department of Business Administration,2011