The Role of NGOs in Financing Public Primary Education in Kenya
Muga, Obonyo Paul
Waweru, Samuel N.
Onyango, G. Adino
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Msingi Journal
The World Conference on Education for All, held
in Jomtiem, Thailand 1990 stated that education is so
diverse, complex and demanding to expect governments
alone to meet the vast arrays of learner needs. The call
for a multi-sectoral approach and building new alliances
between governments, private, and NGOs forces was
central to the thematic round tables on ―NGOs and
Literacy‖ and Mobilizing for ―Education for All‖ (Hadaad
1990). This study examined the role of NGOs in
financing public primary education in Budalangi, Kenya.
The specific objectives of the study were: to determine
NGOs participation areas in public primary education
provision focusing on disbursement procedures and
equity considerations for different socio-economic groups;
to find out the various sources of NGOs‘ funds; to reveal
the challenges facing NGOs in their effort to support
public primary education and finally, to find out the
adequacy and relevance of NGOs support as perceived by school heads, parents and pupils in the region. The study
adopted a descriptive survey paradigm. The target
population comprised of 16 NGOs supporting public
primary education, 33 primary schools and 16518 pupils
and their parents benefiting from NGOs support. The
sample included nine NGOs, seven public primary
schools and 111 pupils and their parents. This gave a
total of 238 respondents. The data was collected using
questionnaires for NGO administrators and head
teachers and interview schedules for parents and pupils.
The study found out that NGOs play a central role in
promoting quality, access, equity and relevance of
primary education by providing physical facilities, direct
support to pupils and parents. It was noted that the
number of supported pupils was significant (31%) in
relation to the total school enrolment. However, NGOs
faced the challenge of insufficient funds, lack of exit
strategy and mistrust by the government. The study
recommends that the NGOs should use capacity building
for sustained support and to work hand in hand with the
government and all other stakeholders in education to
help Kenya meet her international commitment in
achieving the MDG goal in Education and EFA goals
adopted in Dakar in 2000.
A Research Article in Msingi Journal
Role of NGOs, Financing, Public Primary Education, Kenya
Obonyo, P.M., Waweru, S.N., & Adino, O.G. (2018). The Role of NGOs in Financing Public Primary Education in Kenya. Msingi Journal.