An investigation into factors that determine the outcome of turnaround strategies of firms in the dairy industry: a case study of New Co-operative Creameries limited

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Mwirigi, Martin Silas
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The general objective of the study is to find out factors that influenced the outcome of turnaround strategies adopted at New KCC. New KCC, one of the industry leaders in dairy industry was faced by a decline situation in the past and it embarked on a turnaround strategy that has been successful considering that the state owned milk processor recovered from a decade of loss making to profitability. As a matter of fact, New KCC made Ksh 500 million profit for the financial year ended June 2008, against Ksh 384 million posted for the previous period. In addition, New KCC weathered post- election violence to record a 30 percent rise in pre-tax profit in the year 2009 besides attaining ISO 22000:2005 certification. The objectives of the study are to examine the role of organizational culture, stakeholder participation and support, human resource training and sensitization, competition and government policy on turnaround strategies applied in New KCC. Case study approach will be used to get an in depth in-sight into the process of the firm's turnaround. Both primary and secondary data will be utilised in the study. Primary data will be collected using questionnaires through drop and pick method. Secondary data will be obtained from a review of published materials on the subject of turnaround and from reports documenting the KCC turnaround. Both quantitative and qualitative data will be obtained. The study will rely primarily on quantitative data analysis which will be conducted with the aid of Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS). Qualitative analysis will be used to supplement the quantitative analysis. Data will be presented in form of tables and pie charts and graphs.
Department of Business Administration,66p.HD 9275 .M9 2010
Dairy products industry