Relationship between Entrepreneur Profile and Microenterprise Growth at Kamukunji in Nairobi, Kenya
Oroko, Huldah K.
Ondigi, S. R.
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University of Nairobi
The paper provides knowledge on the relationship between entrepreneur profile and
micro-enterprise growth at Kamukunji. A correlational survey research design meets the
objective of the study. The sample includes 354 micro-enterprises selected by systematic
sampling from Kamukunji Jua Kali Association membership register in 2006. Data were
collected using interview and observation guides, and field notes. Independent variables
include age, gender, education, ethnicity, religion, marital status, father, and mother
occupation. Dependent variables contain growth in sales, employees, departments, and
divisions. Descriptive statistics such as frequency distribution, percentages, standard
deviation, cross tabulation, and non-parametric analysis of variance were used in data
analysis. The study provides results on factors influencing micro-enterprise growth at
Kamukunji and findings useful to entrepreneurs, consultants, researchers, and policy
makers mainstreaming micro-enterprise growth.
Research Article
Entrepreneur Profile, Micro-enterprise Growth, Kamukunji, correlation survey, Kenya
DBA Africa Management Review March, 2017 Vol 7 No.1. Pp 1-16