Assessment of Antidiabetic Potential of Ficus Sycomorus on Alloxan - induced Diabetic Mice

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Njagi, J.M.
Piero, N.M.
Ngeranwa, J.J.N.
Njagi, E.N.M.
Kibiti, C.M.
Njue, W. M.
Maina, D.
Gathumbi, Peter Karuri
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International Journal of Diabetes Research
Diabetes mellitus is a predominant public health concern, causing substantial morbidity, mortality, and long-term complications. Many of the conventional drugs Used for the management of this disease are not only expensive but also have numerous side effects. Herbal medications are cheaper and locally available. Many plants have been traditionally used to manage diabetes without authentication on Their ant diabetic properties and assessment of their safety. In this study aqueous stem bark extract of Ficus sycomorus was assessed for its ant diabetic potential along with evaluation its preliminary in vivo toxicity in alloxan-induced diabetic mice. Results s how that the plant harbours remarkable antidiabetic potential. It safely lowered blood glucose level to levels below what insulin, the model drug, lowers, in a dose-dependent manner. Keywords Diabetes Mellitus, Ficus Sycomorus ,Preliminary In VivoToxicity, Herbal Medications
DOI: 10.5923/j.diabetes.20120104.01
Diabetes Mellitus, Ficus Sycomorus, Preliminary In VivoToxicity, Herbal Medications
International Journal of Diabetes Research 201 2, 1 ( 4 ): 47 - 51