Effectiveness of Government Rehabilitation Programmes on Children Involved in Street Crimes in Nakuru County, Kenya
Ndirangu, Ndiang’ui David
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Kenyatta University
The menace of street children involved in crime is still prevalent in major urban centres
in Kenya despite government intervention measures put in place to address the problem.
This research endeavored to ascertain the effectiveness of government rehabilitation
programmes for children involved in street crime in Nakuru County. The following key
objectives served as the study's guiding principles; to examine the government policies
for rehabilitation programmes for children involved in street crime; investigate the
effectiveness of government rehabilitation programmes for children involved in street
crime; to examine the competencies of government officers involved in rolling out
government rehabilitation programmes for children involved in street crime and finally
to ascertain the difficulties encountered during the implementation of government
intervention measures in addressing street crime among children in Nakuru County.
The differential association theory and the social learning theory served as the study's
foundations. Target population was 595 respondents from children department, prison
staff, court staff, street children, the National Youth Service staff and National
Government Administrative officers. Stratified random sampling and purposive
sampling techniques were utilized to identify 128 respondents from the study
population. Data collection instruments included questionnaire for government
employees and interview guide for street children. The study questionnaire was checked
for validity using expert review and for reliability using the test-retest technique where
Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient of 0.802 was realized. Quantitative data was analyzed by
use of descriptive and inferential statistics. This was facilitated by the statistical
package for social science (SPSS). Study findings revealed a statistically significant
and positive relationship between government policy interventions and rehabilitation
of street children involved in crime (r= 0.549; P<0.05). Based on study findings, it was
also determined that there was a statistically significant link between the success of
government intervention programs and the rehabilitation of street children involved in
crime (r= 0.625; P> 0.05) and a statistically significant and positive relationship
between competencies of rehabilitation officers in government rehabilitation
institutions and government education programmes and rehabilitation of street children
involved in crime within Nakuru County (r=0.585; P<0.05). Further, it was established
that inadequate funding, inadequate personnel, poor entry behaviour and inadequate
tools and equipment in institutions that provide rehabilitation for street children
involved in crime were the challenges faced in the implementation of government
measures aimed at addressing criminality among street children in Nakuru County.
Based on the study findings and conclusions, the study recommends that the
government could establish more effective policies and guidelines to offer practical
solutions to the crime committed by street children. This would mainly be in terms of
preventive and supportive programmes for the rehabilitation and reformation of street
children, not only those involved in crime but also those who are yet to engage in crime.
A Project Submitted to the School of Law, Arts and Social Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of Degree of Master of Arts in Leadership and Securtiy Management of Kenyatta University, June 2023.
Effectiveness of Government Rehabilitation Programmes, Children, Street Crimes, Nakuru County, Kenya