Institutional Practices and Project Performance in Manufacturing Sector in Nairobi County, Kenya
Kivuva, Dammian N
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Kenyatta University
A performing project is the very significant proof that funds allocated for the project have been used in the best manner towards delivering the targets and goals for the project. Nevertheless, majority of projects fail in achieving and realizing the benefits expected. Therefore, that has resulted to delays of projects and overrunning costs in other projects. This research study sought to analyses the institutional practices and project performance in manufacturing sector in Nairobi9County, Kenya. The9study was guided9by the following specific9objectives; to analyse the effects of9stakeholder involvement on project performance in manufacturing sector in Nairobi9County, Kenya; 9to assess9the role of technology on project performance in manufacturing sector in Nairobi9County, Kenya; to9investigate the influence9of monitoring and9evaluation on9project performance in manufacturing sector in Nairobi9County, Kenya9and to find out the influence of resources availability on project performance in manufacturing sector in Nairobi County, Kenya. The major theories that were used to underpin this study includes; Theory of Constraints (TOC), Resource based theory, Public Participation Theory and Social Information Processing Theory. The study9employed descriptive9survey research9design. In this study the target9population comprised of registered manufacturing firms in Nairobi County with ongoing projects. The projects included building and construction projects, plants building projects, environmental projects, and telecommunication projects among other ongoing projects. There are 144 registered manufacturing firms in Nairobi. Out of the 144 project managers a sample of 105 was drawn. Stratified random9sampling was9used to proportionately select a sample of 105 from the target9population. Primary data1was collected using a1structured and1semi-structured questionnaire, which1contained both1open and closed1ended questions. Quantitative1data was analyzed1using descriptive statistics1tabulated in1percentages, and1frequencies to describe the1categories formed1from the data. The study concluded that stakeholder involvement had a positive impact on project performance in manufacturing sector in Nairobi County, Kenya. Successful stakeholder engagement scheme allows those who are involved in, or influenced by, a decision to participate and that stakeholder engagement not only helped to promote project longevity, but it also made project execution more productive and competitive. The study concluded that technology use has a positive significant impact on project performance in manufacturing sector in Nairobi County, Kenya. Information and communication technology (ICT) plays a vital role in project delivery and sustainability, and that technology adoption is critical for the long-term viability of projects because it simplifies processes and accountability. The study concluded that monitoring9and evaluation has9a positive significant impact on project performance in manufacturing sector in Nairobi County, Kenya, information gotten from M&E enabled managers of a project to come up with better policies which resulted to effective infrastructural projects for roads and that M&E focuses on giving systematic oversight on an activity's execution, on the basis of targeted yield, work schedule and input delivery. The study concluded that resource availability has a positive significant impact on project performance in manufacturing sector in Nairobi County, Kenya. The researcher recommends that manufacturing companies should ensure quality stakeholder participation and embrace information technology as these factors were9found to play a9positive significant role9in fostering positive project9 delivery outcomes.
A Research Project Submitted to the School of Business in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Master of Business Administration in Project Management Kenyatta University, November, 2022
Institutional Practices, Project Performance, Manufacturing Sector, Nairobi County, Kenya