Fitness based ranking of teams participating in Zone Five Handball Championship
Mwihaki, M.G.
Wabuyabo, Issah K.
Mwisukha, A.
Odero, Martin, N.
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Kenyatta University
Ranking of teams is usually based on the goal aggregate, which
is a factor that comprises of many variables. The underlying
assumption in such criteria of classification is that a team will
only emerge as a winner by being the best i.e. both in fitness
and skill. However in each individual sport there are dominant
attributes that contribute to overall success despite the fact all
aspects offitness are important. This study involved three male
teams participating in zone five handball championships
(July-2005) in Kenya. The purpose of the study was to find out
if fitness ranking of the teams would be consistent with goal
aggregate ranking. Method: all the three teams underwent
fitness testing for selected variable and their means determined.
The means were raked as 1, 2 and 3 and assigned score
valuables of 3,2 and 1 respectively. The total score for each
team was used to rank the teams. This was then compared to
goal aggregate ranking. Results: The first tam in fitness
ranking was the last in goal aggregate ranking and vice versa.
Discussion: the first team had high valuables of dominant
attributes necessary in handball hence good performance
despite low average general fitness. The second in rank had
optimum score values hence average performance while the last
one had low skill with high physical fitness with low values in
dominant attrioutes necessary in handball. Conclusion: both
physical fitness-and skill training are key to good performance.
6th Biennual Scientific Conference of the Africa Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance(AFAHPER-SD)Kenyatta University Nairobi Kenya from Wednesday 9th-friday 11th November 2005.