Socio-Economic Effects of Traffic Congestion on Urban Mobility Along Jogoo Road, Nairobi City County - Kenya
Ndatho, Mercyleen Nkatha
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Kenyatta University
An effective urban transport system should have the ability to deal with the high density that characterizes most urban areas while moving people and goods. However, the high rate of urbanization experienced in most developing countries has resulted into massive traffic congestion, which in turn has hampered effective transportation. The biggest burden of the heavy traffic jam experienced in Nairobi City lies on the commuters who bear with traffic jams that snarl up for kilometers and stay for hours hence accruing social dilemma and huge economic loses in terms of the time wasted, increased travel cost, respiratory diseases associated to the vehicular exhaust emissions in traffic, stress and anxiety, less time with family and other social effects associated with traffic congestion among others. Jogoo Road which was the study area, being a major arterial in Nairobi City experiences heavy traffic congestion. The study sought to investigate the social and economic effects of traffic congestion and to propose the measures that can be employed to alleviate the problem. A pilot study was carried out and the researcher focused on the objectives of the study and determined the parameters which were measured. Based on the objectives, descriptive research was applied to collect and analyze both qualitative and quantitative data. Questionnaires, key informant interviews, focus group discussions, observation and photography were the major sources of primary data. Secondary data sources including online reports, journals, and books also informed the study. Simple random and stratified sampling procedures were employed to select the sample that was studied. Data collected was input into Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS)software, correction of errors was carried out followed by analysis. To determine the social and economic effects of traffic congestion, frequencies and measures of central tendency (mode and mean) were used. Qualitative data was analysed through conceptualization and description. To increase reliability and validity, multiple observers were employed and more random samples were obtained in order to increase external validity. Use of the documented theories in the study also increased the validity and reliability of the research findings. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher ascertains that the major causes of traffic congestion along Jogoo road include increase in population, increased ownership of private cars, limited road capacity with inappropriate design, lack of Non Motorised Transport (NMT) facilities, unreliable public transport, and encroachment of the road space, over-reliability of one mode of transport. The study establishes that traffic congestion results to both economic and social effects including increased travel time, higher travel cost, lost business opportunities, health risks, environmental pollution, stress, fatigue and less time with families associated to leaving home early and arriving late. The study recommends for an effective, reliable and affordable public transport system, expansion of Jogoo road, provision of NMT facilities, exploration of railway as alternative mode of travel, introduction of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), banning private vehicles from the Central Business District (CBD), teleworking, staggering working hours, effective traffic managements systems among others in order to reduce traffic congestion and the associated socio-economic effects
A Research Project Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Environmental Planning and Management in the School of Environmental Studies of Kenyatta University, November, 2018