An analysis of the training and development methods and techniques : a case of the Kenya education staff institute KESI and Kenya institute of administration KIA, Nairobi

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Omara, Garise B.
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The aim of the study was to compare and analyse the training and development methods and techniques practiced by the Kenya Education Staff Institute (KESI) and Kenya Institute of Administration (KIA) in the planning, curriculum designing, delivery techniques, selection of trainees and the evaluation of their training programmes. The motivation to carry out the research was as a result of the growing need and debate among stakeholders to audit the programmes offered by such management training institutions with a view to finding out the effectiveness of the programmes and if there was any justification for their existence and the enormous resources voted by the government of Kenya towards them. Training and management development play a critical role in enhancing the capacity of management to deliver effective and efficient services to society. However, how effective and efficient a training programme can realise its objective, depends to a large extent on the methods and techniques adopted and systematically followed in line with contemporary thinking. This means that it is only if the right approaches, methods and techniques are followed in the planning, implementation and evaluation of the training programmes, can we say that the programmes can be effective in enhancing the capacity of the beneficiaries of the intervention. The focus of the research was on the two institutions - KESI and KIA, both public institutions mandated to undertake training and capacity building of staff of both the Ministry of Education and the Office of the President of Kenya among others. Looking at the financial estimates of both Ministries, quite some substantial funding is given to the institutions and therefore the internal organisation and programmes offered by them was the subject of inquiry. Specifically, the study looked at the organisation charts, the planning processes, the funding levels for the last few years, overview of the training programmes and their design, the methods of selecting trainees and the methods of evaluation of the training programmes. It also looked at literature that had been done generally in the area of training and development and any empirical studies done to find out if there were any gaps that need to be filled. Signed questionnaires were used to collect information relating to the case from the two categories of the scheduled research respondents - Directors of the two institutions and 41 (forty one) lecturers of the two institutions (Prospectus 2006). The research then provided a summary of the findings, made conclusions and recommendations thereof. The study was organised in five chapters, chapter one dealt with the introduction and background of the study while chapter two addressed the literature behind the study. Chapter three explained the research methodology highlighting the target group and data collection and analysis techniques. Chapter four presented the findings of the results, which were organised according to the objectives that guided the study. Suggestions, discussions, conclusions and recommendations for future research were outlined in chapter five. The findings showed no wide difference in the methods and techniques used in designing training programs at KESI and KIA.
Department of Business Administration, 69p. The LB 1027.47.O41 2007
Education and training services industry