Diplomatic Relations and Its Impact on Regional Cooperation Focus on Kenya and Uganda (2002 – 2022)
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Kenyatta University
The two Great Lake African countries (Kenya and Uganda) have pursued bilateral diplomatic relations in different areas after the independence. The main aim of the study was to assess the Kenya – Uganda bilateral relations and its impact on East African regional cooperation (2002-2022). The study guided by the following specific objectives which were to examine shift in bilateral diplomatic relations, analyze the impact of bilateral diplomatic relations between Kenya and Uganda on regional cooperation and to examine strategies of resolving bilateral tensions between Kenya and Uganda. The study was anchored on the Interdependence Liberalism Theory. The scope of the study was limited to the period between 2002 and 2022, which was vital to obtaining comprehensive analysis of the long-term implications of bilateral diplomatic relations between Kenya and Uganda. The study employed explanatory research design. A sample of 96 respondents was drawn from Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Kenya, Ugandan Embassy in Nairobi, custom officers and Immigration Officers in border point of Kenya and Uganda and Immigration officers. Semi-Structured Questionnaires and Interviews were used in the collection of primary data, while Foreign Ministry policy documents, publications, peer reviewed journals, online literal works, online journals, newspapers and websites provided secondary data. The study used inferential methods for data analysis. The qualitative data collected was analyzed using content analysis and presented in the form of charts and tables. The analysis showed a strong agreement that there has been a shift in bilateral relations between Kenya and Uganda in the areas of political relations, border trade, conflict resolution efforts, and infrastructure development.
A Research Project Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Masters of Arts in International Relations and Diplomacy in the School of Law, Arts and Social Sciences, Kenyatta University, Septmber 2024.
Evans Onyango