Utilization of Instructional Media for Quality Training in Pre-Primary School Teacher Training Colleges in Nairobi County, Kenya

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Ngure, G.
Begi, N.
Kimani, Elishiba
Mweru, M.
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Since teachers play a major role in the education of young children, the quality of their own training is a matter of concern. Among important aspects in pre-primary teacher training is the utilization of instructional media to reinforce learning, motivate learners and make learning real. However, reviewed studies on pre-primary schools have established inadequate use of instructional media by pre-primary school teachers, likely to have resulted from inadequacies during training among other factors. Given the importance of instructional media in any learning outcome there was need to investigate the factors influencing their utilization by pre-primary school college tutors during training, a concern that formed the focus of this study. It was out of this concern that this study was conceived. The study aimed at investigating the types of instructional media in pre-primary school colleges and tutors’ utilization of instructional media during training. The study was carried out in public and private pre-primary school teacher training colleges in Nairobi County. Herzberg’s two factor theory was used to guide the study. The study adopted both qualitative and quantitative research approaches. The key study respondents were all pre-primary school college tutors who taught activity area units in the selected colleges, the programme officers and managers of the selected pre-primary school teacher colleges. A questionnaire for the pre-primary school college tutors, an interview schedule for the programme officers and managers of the selected pre-primary school teacher colleges and an observation checklist were used to gather data. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used in the analysis of data. The results revealed that variety of instructional media were available and used in teaching by the college tutors. The study also revealed that private college tutors utilized instructional media more than public college tutors.
Research Article
Journal of Education, Vol.2(7); 2014