Effects of older persons cash transfer funds on the well-being of the elderly in Kibera, Nairobi County, Kenya
Amanda, Kinya Mbabu
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Kenyatta University
This study was an assessment of the effects of older persons cash transfer funds on the wellbeing
of the elderly in Kibera informal settlements,Nairobi County,Kenya.The study was guided
by the following objectives: to establish the recipients of OPCT program in Kibera informal
settlements; examine the different implications of OPCT funds on the well being of the
elderly;establish challenges that OPCT program face in addressing the needs of the elderly; and
identify the best strategies of improving the OPCT program for the benefit of the eldery in
Kibera informal settlements. The study was guided by resilience theory.The exploratory design
was considered appropriate for this study where probability and non-probability sampling
procedures were used to identify 75 respondents to participate in the study.The targeted
population was the OPCT beneficiaries in Kibera informal settlements;however the data was
validated by key informants selected from among the sampled population.The study found out
that there were more women compared to men in the OPCT program.The study noted that the
OPCT beneficiaries were 65 years and above,which showed adherence to the objective selection
criteria.It was observed further that majority of the elderly OPCT beneficiaries also suffered
from chronic diseases such as tuberculosis,high blood pressure and diabetes.The study
established that the OPCT beneficiaries tend to use cash for the most pressing needs such as
food, rent, school fees for their grandchildren, and debt repayment. The effects of OPCT funds
were felt at individual, family and community levels.The study revealed the following as critical
challenges affecting OPCT program namely;inadequate funding amidst competing needs of the
beneficiaries;the disbursement is irregular hence one cannot make meaningful plans with the
money,extensive bureaucracy in the registration process coupled with ethnicity issues and
corruption.In addition there are cases of fingerprints failing, omission on the payroll and amount
inconsistencies. The study also established that interventions that could address the challenges
facing OPCT program were at two levels, namely; community and NGOs; and the government.
The study further recommends an increase in the amount of funds being disbursed to the elderly
in line with their economic needs; make regular payments so that the beneficiaries are enabled
to make meaningful plans; and ensure the right criteria in the recruitment of the OPCT
A research thesis submitted to the school of humanities and social sciences in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Master of Arts in Gender and Development Studies at Kenyatta University. June 2017