Economic Marginalization Aspects Influencing Radicalization of Youth in Mombasa County, Kenya
Kamais, Cosmas Ekwom
Mulu, Francis
Macharia, Hannah Muthoni
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Various factors driving youth radicalisation have been advanced, spanning political
convictions, socioeconomic and religious ideologies, social anomie, and relational aspects.
However, there has been a great tendency to downplay the significance of economic
marginalisation as a driver of youth radicalisation with due consideration of the diversity of
geopolitical and socioeconomic settings. Since Kenya intervened in Somalia, there has been a
notable increase in youth radicalisation into groups such as Al Shabaab. Therefore, this study
examined how economic marginalisation accounts for youth radicalisation in Kisauni,
Mombasa County, Kenya. To contextualise the submissions, literature was reviewed to
understand existing debates on the issue of youth radicalisation and identify the gaps. The
study's arguments were anchored on human needs and frustration-aggression theories that
examine the hindrances of attaining basic human needs as drivers for violent and criminal
tendencies. The study used a descriptive survey research design. Data was collected from a
sample of 399 respondents and forty key informants. Quantitative data were analysed using
SPSS and presented using statistical charts and tables, while qualitative data were analysed
thematically using the excerpt method. The study found that compared to the other
radicalisation motivators, most youths were economically marginalised and vulnerable to
radicalisation. The study also found that the economic marginality of youth is a key driver for
the radicalisation of youth in Kisauni Mombasa County. Moreover, the study established that
CVE policy measures in Mombasa County were effective but needed to be tailored to address
economic marginalisation attending youth radicalisation. The study concluded that Kisauni,
Mombasa County's economic marginalisation significantly motivated radicalising youth and
their propensity to join VEOs such as Al Shabaab, MRC, and local criminal gangs. The study
recommended the enhancement of youth economic empowerment and the development of
innovative skills for self-employment. Furthermore, the study recommended that relevant
agencies review CVE approaches and policies to address economic marginalisation that
motivates youth radicalisation. The role of the County Government in peace, security, and
CVE needs to be enhanced in a multiagency framework for broader and comprehensive CVE.
Counter Radicalization, Economic Marginalization, Extremist organisations, Extremist Violence, Financial Support, Land Grievances, Poverty, Radicalization, Secular reputation, Underdevelopment, Youth
Kamais, C. E; Mulu, F & Macharia, H. M. (2023). Economic Marginalization Aspects Influencing Radicalization of Youth in Mombasa County, Kenya. Journal of African Interdisciplinary Studies, 7(3), 80 – 97.