Assessment of MFI funding on the performance of small and medium enterprises in Murang' a county
Mwangi, D. Njoki
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The fundamental purpose of this study was to assess the impact of Micro finance
Institutions (MFIs) funding on the performance of Small and Medium Enterprises
in rural Murang'a. Simple random sampling technique was employed in selecting
the 50 SMEs that constituted the sample size of the research. Structured
questionnaire was designed to facilitate the acquisition of relevant data which
involves simple percentage graphical charts. Illustrations were tactically applied
in data presentations and analysis. The findings of the study reveal that MFIs
funding benefitted the SMEs even though only few of them were capable enough
to secure the loan amount needed; Interestingly, majority of the SMEs
acknowledge positive contributions of MFI funding towards promoting their
performance and it is recommended that further research be carried out in the
same and countries in order to show whether there's any link between MFI
funding and performance on SMEs.
Department of Management Science, 52p. 2013, HG 4027.7 .M84