Corporate restructuring and its effects on Kenya Commercial Bank performance
Ithiri, Mwenda Dickson
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Organizational restructuring is inevitable for any organization that is focused on dealing with competition and day to day organizational challenges. It is critical that organizations implement restructuring carefully if they are to survive. The researcher has reviewed a broad literature base on restructuring clearly examining the theories and perceptions related to the process and further, through a conceptual framework, the study outlined how the objectives, of operational costs, organization structure, management style and size of work force affect restructuring in an organization. The study adopted a descriptive survey since it was seeking to ascertain respondent‟s perceptions and experiences on organization restructuring in a structured manner. Data for the survey was collected from 100 randomly sampled respondents using a questionnaire. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistic such as mean, frequencies, percent and standard deviation and findings presented using tables, charts and graphs. The study found that the main the main drivers for restructuring were competition, new company strategy, budgetary cuts, public pressure and change in government policy. The study found that there were change in the organization‟s mission and goals statement before or after the restructuring process which was as results the new company objectives and core values. On management style and organization restructuring the study found that employees are given leadership opportunities through delegation. From the findings on the size of work force, the study revealed that the staffs in the organization are adequate, that organization provides the necessary facilities to all employees for effective delivery, job functions and responsibilities of staff overlap, there is a policy on staff levels and the organization supports staff with welfare activities.
Department of Business Administration, 49p. 2013