Challenges Faced by Women Football Players who Participate in Football Leagues
Wangari, Gorreti
Kimani, Elishiba
Wango, Geofrey
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International Peer Reviewed Journals and Books (IPRJB)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify challenges faced by women football players
who participate in football leagues.
Methodology: The study adopted a descriptive survey design. It was conducted in Gatundu
North and Thika West. The target population for this study was the 8 and 6women football teams
in Gatundu North and Thika West districts, respectively. Focus group discussion guide,
Interview schedule and Questionnaire were the instruments of data collection. The study mainly
yielded qualitative data. This was sorted out, analyzed quantitatively and presented in tables.
Results: There were several challenges that faced women football players. Among them, funding
was the main one. Others included; society‟s negative attitude towards women football which
translates to poor participation of women in football activities in the area; biological factors such
as menstruation and pregnancy; poor governance of the football organizations; limited access to
facilities and equipment and women‟s gender roles and responsibilities.
Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: The study recommended that the National
government, county government as well as the Football Kenya Federation should be keen on
women football and give it the attention that it deserves in order to improve their participation in
Research Article
Football leagues, Challenges, Women football players
Journal of Developing Country Studies Vol.2, Issue 1 No.2, pp 13 -35, 2017