Effect of Administrative Decentralization on Livestock Production in Garissa County, Kenya
Kahin, Issa Yarow
Muna, Wilson
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International Journal of Arts and Commerce
Since the commencement of the implementation of a decentralized system of administration in
livestock production, little, if any strategies have been fully supported in a bid to mitigate against
droughts. There is scanty knowledge and evidence on this subject. This study is expected to inform
theory and practice by interrogating the administrative function, drawing lessons from Garissa County
which depend on this trade for its sustainability. Drought remains the single most cause of loss of
livestock. Trends indicate that in 2012, the percentage of animals that died as a result of drought was
23%, 24% in 2013, 22.5% in 2014, 20% in 2015and 23% in 2016. This scenario puts into question the
relevance and effectiveness of draught mitigation measures being implemented by the county
government. The study employed descriptive case study design, using a semi structured questionnaire
to collect both qualitative and quantitative data. The findings indicated that the county administrative
structure was not responsive to the strategic policies set up to create sustainable solutions. Results of
the study also revealed a breakdown of communication between government officials and the
communities. Feedback from the livestock keepers was not effectively communicated through
established administrative structures. Also, findings indicated that delayed disbursement of finances
negatively affected the delivery of livestock production in the county.
Administrative Decentralization, Livestock Production, Resources
Kahin, I.Y. & Muna, W. (2019). Effect of Administrative Decentralization on Livestock Production in Garissa County, Kenya. International Journal of Arts and Commerce, 8(10), 19-36