Compliance with Hemodialysis Treatment among End Stagekidney Disease Patients in Nyeri County, Kenya.
Chege, Jacinta Wanjiku
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Kenyatta University
The number of End Stage Kidney Disease (ESKD) patients on hemodialysis (HD) globally has become a public health concern. Compliance with hemodialysis recommendation aids to improve health outcomes and prevent complications. However, non-compliance to hemodialysis among ESKD patients has been a major problem. The purpose of the study was aimed at describing the level of compliance with hemodialysis and the associated factors among ESKD patients in three selected dialysis centers in Nyeri County. A descriptive cross-sectional study, utilizing quantitative research method and targeting 80 participants was done. Census method was used to recruit the study participants. Data was collected through administration of a questionnaire and analyzed by use of computer software, statistical package for the social science (SPSS) version 24. Descriptive statistics was used to determine the level of compliance to hemodialysis. Inferential statistics was used to determine factors associated with compliance to hemodialysis. SPSS version 24 was used in data analysis.The study findings revealed that compliance with hemodialysis treatment was 53%. The findings showed that there was significant association between compliance and; marital status, x2 (2, N=30) = 5.151, p =0.029, income, x2 (4, N=12) = 11.322, p =0.045, and number of hospital admissions, x2 (3, N=I) = 38.069, p =0.0001. Shortened hemodialysis,(aOR = 5.5, p = 0.002) and waiting time for two hours prior to start their hemodialysis session (aOR =4.11, p =0.005) were independent predictors of noncompliance with hemodialysis treatment.Despite opening new hemodialysis centers in Nyeri County to increase availability and accessibility of hemodialysis services, compliance still remains a major challenge among patients. Shortening of hemodialysis sessions, low economic status, inadequate machines and failure to repair machines when they break down were major barriers to hemodialysis compliance. Therefore, adequate resource allocation should be considered when opening new hemodialysis centers.
A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Award of the Degree of Master of Science (Nephrology Nursing) in the School of Health Sciences Department of Medical Surgical Nursing and Pre-Clinical Sciences, Kenyatta University, October, 2022
Hemodialysis Treatment, End Stage Kidney Disease Patients, Nyeri County, Kenya