Utilization of Films as Wellsprings of Succour, Edification and Repose for Psychologically Lacerated Persons: An Exploratory Study
Situma, Eliud
Mugubi, John
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Royallite publishers
This paper presents an appraisal on Film, principally docudrama as a tool in
the psychotherapeutic process among distressed people. The major findings
resulting from reviewing several studies illustrate that cinematic techniques
and enactment greatly play a role in decreasing psychological distress levels as
well as depression. Subsequently, the study concludes that presentation and
manipulation of characters effectively may engender positive results on
persons healing from psychosomatic anguish and despondency. This study
avers that cinematographic techniques carry healing and therapeutic value if
utilized in psychosocial supportive environment. Film therapy enables clients
to tell their life stories to their therapists. Film is therefore a potentially
valuable means for clients to vent out their emotional stress and inculcate
optimism. The entertainment aspect may make the client to forget/suspend
negative feelings associated with trauma hence reducing negative defence
mechanism that could encumber a therapeutic process.
Situma, E., & Mugubi, J. (2017). Utilization of films as Wellsprings of Succour, Edification and Repose for Psychologically Lacerated Persons: An Exploratory Study. Nairobi Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(10).