Resource Mobilization Strategies and Performance of K-Rep Development Agency Projects, Kenya
Maina, Karen Wamaitha
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Kenyatta University
Poor funding by donors have affected the implementation and performance of projects in Kenya. For continued existence, financial self-reliance, and sustainability of development organizations, NGOs and community-based organizations are exploring new avenues for resources. K-Rep Development Agency has faced project failure in terms of cost overrun, untimely delivery and poor quality. K-Rep Development Agency (KDA) is one such organization that have employed a number of resources mobilization strategies to enhance continuity and success of projects. However, in its Strategic Plan of 2017-2022 the organization acknowledged it had limited resources to fully fund its projects which has an impact not only on the implementation but also on the projects performance. Thisq studyq soughtq toq determineq theq effectq ofq resourceq mobilizationq strategiesq onq performanceq ofq projectsq byq KDAq inq Kenya.q Theq specificq objectivesq were:q toq determineq donationsq fundraisingq strategyq onq performanceq ofq projectsq inq KDA;q toq assessq theq effectq ofq self-fundingq strategyq onq performanceq ofq projectsq inq KDA;q toq exploreq theq effectq ofq institutionalq partnershipsq onq performanceq ofq projectsq inq KDA;q andq toq assessq theq effectq ofq communityq collaborationq strategyq onq performanceq ofq projectsq inq KDA.q Theq studyq was anchoredq onq resourceq mobilizationq theory,q projectq managementq competencyq theory,q resourceq basedq viewq theoryq andq stakeholder‟sq theory.q Thisq studyq adoptedq aq descriptiveq researchq design.q Theq targetq population were projects that were implemented and completed by KDA in a period of ten years, from years 2010-2020. The unit of observation were staff of KDA involved in implementation of projects. Sinceq theq populationq inq KDAq wasq small,q aq censusq studyq was adopted. A total of 32 staff in KDA were considered for the study.q Theq studyq collectedq primaryq dataq throughq useq ofq questionnaire.q Aq pilotq studyq was carriedq outq priorq toq theq actualq dataq collectionq toq checkq forq validityq andq reliabilityq ofq theq researchq instrument.qTheq collectedq dataq was analyzedq throughq descriptiveq andq inferentialq statisticsq withq theq aidq SPSSq versionq 22.q Inq inferentialq statistics,q aq regressionq analysisq was conductedq toq establishq theq relationshipq betweenq variables.q The study found that donation fundraising strategy, self-funding strategy, institutional partnership strategy and community collaboration had significant positive effect on project performance. Resource mobilization had a critical role in enhancing the success of KDA initiatives. The study found that the organization must have a well defined vision and goals that place a high priority on resource mobilization. The structure of the organization must be geared for resource mobilization. It is also crucial to provide training on how to launch and maintain project operations, with a strong emphasis on funding sources. Documenting the programs of the organizations in the media is necessary to improve organizational resource networking.
A Research Project Submitted to the School of Business, Economics and Tourism in Partial Fulfilment for the Requirements of the Award of Degree in Master of Business Administration (Project Management Option) at Kenyatta University, November 2023.
Resource Mobilization Strategies, K-Rep Development Agency Projects, Kenya