Peer Relationships and Academic Motivation as Correlates of Academic Achievement among Form Three Students in Murang’a County, Kenya
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The trend of academic achievement in Murang’a County has been worrying as it has remained poor for a number of years. The purpose0of this study was0to examine peer relationships and academic motivation as correlates of academic achievement among form0three0students in Mathioya Sub County, Murang’a County. The objectives of the study were to: establish the link between peer relationships and academic0achievement of form three students, determine the relationship0between students’ academic0motivation0and academic achievement, establish the link between peer relationships and academic motivation of form three students and also to establish if gender differences existed between students’ academic performances. This research adopted the Social Learning Theory by Bandura (1977) and the Self- Determination Theory by Deci and Ryan (1985). A correlational research design was adopted. Purposive0sampling0was used to0select0Mathioya Sub-County in Murang’a County. Stratified sampling technique was used to group the schools into three categories i.e. boys boarding, girls boarding and co-educational secondary schools, and finally simple0random0sampling was used to get the research participants from the sampled schools. The research population comprised of all 2614 form three students in the 32 public secondary schools in Mathioya Sub- County in the year 2023. For data collection, three tools were used namely: Academic Motivation Scale (AMS) high school version by Vallerand et al. (1992) to collect data on academic motivation, peer relationships scale developed by Terzian, A.M. (2012) to collect data on peer relationships and a proforma summary of students’ academic results to collect data on academic0achievement0of the students for the end of term one 2023 examination. Thirty four students were selected from one of the schools in the study location to take part in the pilot study. These students, however were not used to participate in the actual study. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22 was0used to analyse the0quantitative0data that were collected. Multiple regression and t-test for independent samples were used to analyze the data and the results obtained presented in tables. Finally conclusions and recommendations were made based on the outcome of the analysed data. The study found that peer relationships and academic motivation positively and significantly correlated with the academic achievement of form three students in Mathioya sub-county, Murang’a County. The study also found significant relationship between peer relationships and academic motivation of the students. In addition, the study outcomes revealed that there were statistically significant gender differences in the academic achievement of form three students in Mathioya sub-county, Murang’a County. An important0implication and recommendation0of the study was0that0teachers, parents and all the educational stakeholders should work together to encourage positive peer interactions among learners which will go a long way in boosting their levels of motivation and by extension improve their academic achievement.
A Research Project submitted to the School of Education in Partial Fulfillment for the Award of The Degree of Masters of Education (Educational Psychology) of Kenyatta University, May 2024.
Syprine Oyoo