Analysis of Food Managgement Practices and Safe Provision in Unclassified Restaurants in Nairobi City County, Kenya
Musakala, Doreen Ikala
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Kenyatta University
Restz}lrfmls provlde food to millions of people away from home. However, provisi
of safe food in most of unclassified restaurants particularly in Nairobi Cit (,Zgu?l‘tlls_lcn
prosl:sm.dThe aim of this research was to establish how food safety practizes influyeilscz
Sbicetves ene 1 sses the nluonce of ood handlng et et o revii i st ) e of foo andling pracn‘ces on sgfje food provision
¥ unclassifi re:tam.'ants, to examine the role of food hygiene training on safe food
provision by unclassified restaurants; to determine the effect of food legislation
compliance on safe fqod provision by unclassified restaurants; to establish the role of
manage‘r:_lem in ensuring that safety standards are achieved on safe food provision by
unclassified restaurants and to determine the moderating influence of food safety
swnqayds on vt}}e rglatilonship between food management practices and safe food
provision in .\alrol?l City County. A mixed method research design was employed as
'fhe 131\_.16 print to guide the study. The study population was 124 unclassified restaurants
in Nairobi Central Business District. Questionnaires were used in data collection, in
addition to an in-depth interview guide and observation checklist. Questionnaires were
administered to supervisors, cooks and waiters while interview schedules were held
with restzurants’ managers. Quantitative data were analyzed through means, standard
deviation, inferential models and presented in form of tables and figures. T-test was
used to establish if there is a remarkable difference between unclassified restaurants
that observe particular food safety management practices and those that do not. Chi
square test as one of the inferential statistics was employed to determine association
batween food handling practices, food hygiene training, food legislation compliance
2nd role of management in application of safe food provisions. Qualitative results were
presented in a narrative form and triangulated with quantitative results. The study
established that food handling practices on safe food provision by unclassified
restaurants was statistically significant (4=8.988; p value of .003<0.05), food hygiene
training and safe food provision by unclassified restaurants have a significant
association (7= 5.094, p value of .019<0.05, food legislation compliance and safe food
provision by unclassified restaurants have a significant association as supp('niled
(7=4.544 p value of .025<0.05) while the role of management and safe food provision
by unclassified restaurants have a significant association (x=11.107" p vg]ue 9f
.601<0,05). The study further found that safety standards moderates Fhe relationship
between food management practices and safe food provision by unclassified restaurants
in Nairobi City County. From the study findings, the study concludes that food handling
practices, food hygiene training, food legislation compliance and role of management
impacts the safe food provision by unclassified restaurants, The study regommend§ for
er food handling practices. the need to periodically train restaurant workers on proper I d
There is need for restaurant management to provide workers wnh'sufficwnt clean dress
code. In addition, there is need for close monitoring on how food is prepafcd.and s1..01l-ed
in the restaurant. The restaurant management needs to organize periodic training
programs in form of short workshops, seminars. z‘md confert_ances with key stakeholderi
in the hospitality sector and food safety authorities. T!wre is need for the maqagemend
of unclassified restaurants to implement any existing food safety gu'uielmes an !
procedures. There is need for restaurant management t0 work closely with restauran
employees with aim of enhancing safe food provisions in the hotel industry.
A Research Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Master of Science of Hospitality Management in the School of Business, Economics and Tourism of Kenyatta University, September 2023.
Analysis, Food Managgement Practices, Safe Provision, Unclassified Restaurants, Nairobi City County, Kenya