Information systems implementation and user performance in the county government of Machakos, Kenya

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Mutiso, Musyoka Kelvin
Mutuku, Morrisson Kaunda
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This paper aims to examine the impact of IS Implementation on User Performance in the county Government of Machakos, Kenya. This paper made use of descriptive designs as well explanatory study designs. In addition, the research made use of primary data that was gathered using open and closed ended questions in a research questionnaire. Data collected was analyzed using the SPSS software. It was established that IS implementation had a positive effect on user performance which in return impacts the organizational performance. The study revealed that, IS ability is to provide high quality information, which reduces errors and resolve performance problems when they occur. The study concluded that IS is a major factor influencing user performance in Machakos County Government, Kenya and that there was a positive relationship between independent variables and dependent variable. Therefore, this study recommends that County Governments should invest heavily on IS without fear as this will improve their employee’s performance and in return improve the performance of the County Governments in terms of service delivery to the citizens.
A research paper in International Journal of Research in Business & Social Science 11(2) (2022), 477-486
Information, Systems, Implementation, User Performance
Kelvin Mutiso, M., & Mutuku , M. K. (2022). Information systems implementation and user performance in the county government of Machakos, Kenya. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 11(2), 477–486.