Information Technology Quality Management and Performance of Commercial Banks in Nairobi County

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Wambui, Ndung’u Esther Marjorie
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Kenyatta University
The financial sector has steadily been defined by unending operational challenges and poor performance. As a way of dealing with underperformance, banks have been implementing Total Quality Management to enable them to become effective to meet both national and organizational demands. One of the most recently used methods by organizations in improving their performance as well as meeting their customer needs and refining the quality of products and services is Total Quality Management. This research project intended to investigate the impact of information technology quality management in Kenya’s commercial banks. The specific objectives of this research project were to evaluate the effects of customer focused approach, business-IT alignment, and continuous improvement on the organizational performance of the commercial banks. The research project used the Technology Acceptance Model, European Foundation for Quality Management Model, Technology Change Model and the Organizational Theory. The study used the descriptive research design. Descriptive and inferential statistical techniques were used for data analysis. The targeted total sample size was 40 commercial banks, where 30 responded leading to a 75% response rate. Officers in the top management of ICT departments of these commercial banks were purposely selected. A census approach for the ICT officers at all the 40 listed banks in Kenya, targeting one officer in each bank. Semi-structured questionnaires were utilized to collect data. The findings indicated that customer focus, and business IT alignment were significant predictors of organizational performance while continuous improvement was not. It was recommended that commercial banks needed to embrace IT customer focused approaches, align IT functions with business operations, and embrace IT focused continuous improvement to enhance organizational performance. The findings shall benefit scholars, policy makers and financial institutions.
A Research Project Submitted to the School of Business in Partial Fulfillment for the Award of Degree in Master of Business Administration (Management Information Systems) of Kenyatta University, June, 2021
Information Technology, Quality Management, Performance, Commercial Banks, Nairobi County