Evaluation of logical framework approach and its effect on stakeholder participation in the design and execution of projects. (A Case of Economic Stimulus Programmes in Nairobi County

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Nuthu, Lucy Muthoni
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Kenyatta University
The problem statement underlying the study was the observable shortcomings of community stakeholder participation and involvement in management of ESPs, difficulties in the setting of the projects objectives and inadequate review of the set objectives and difficulties in monitoring and evaluation of the projects due to lack of elaborate logframes that would highlight on the indicators of project progress. This study aimed at analyzing the logical framework approach as a tool in results based management and its effect on project design and execution of Economic Stimulus Programmes (ESP) in Nairobi County. The study was guided by specific objectives which are;' to investigate the influence of stakeholder participation and involvement on project design and execution; to determine the effect of objective setting and review on project design and execution; to examine the effect of the logframe matrix in project design and execution. The research design was descriptive design and aimed at describing relationships between the independent and dependent variables of the study. The target population of the study was sixty two ESP projects in Nairobi County. The Sampling design selected for the study was stratified sampling under which nineteen projects were selected; industrialization (Jua Kali Sheds) and Fresh Produce Markets (local government) and education projects. The research instrument used were semi-structured questionnaires that were distributed to respondents. To analyze data, qualitative data was grouped under common descriptive characteristics and analyzed Descriptive statistics were used to analyse quantitative data presented using tables, bar charts and pie-charts. A summary of findings, conclusion and recommendations was provided. The findings revealed that the stakeholders were involved in the design and execution of ESP largely through representation by Committee members including the clergy, men, women and youth representatives, school principals and school administration and Jua Kali traders committee. Data also showed that every project had set objectives and milestones which were in some cases reviewed to reflect on the changing environmental forces. Data also revealed that in some cases not all stakeholders were in agreement of all the project objectives. The components of the logframe were used in the monitoring and evaluation of the projects, and though most projects did not have an elaborate logframe matrix the components of the logframe existed in a fragmented manner in the work plans, schemes of work and bill of quantity. Recommendations made were that the logical framework should be used in management of ESP projects to assist in the planning and design, time scheduling, risk analysis and monitoring and evaluation. Suggestions for further research were also presented.
Department of Business Administration, 71p. 2013