BC-Department of Special Needs Education
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Item The Influence of Role Play Teaching Technique on English Performance Among Learners With Hearing Impairment, Kenya(IGI Global, 2021) Yabbi, Judith OpiyoRole-play is a holistic pedagogy in teaching. The technique instills critical thinking in pupils, enhances emotional intelligence, and improves morality and forms of realism about information. The chapter examines the influence of role-play teaching technique on English performance among the pupils with hearing impairment in Kenyan primary schools. The chapter looks at several elements of role-playing such as games, real-life expression, imitation, positive impact, and the challenges facing the effective implementation of the use of role-play in teaching and learning in primary schools of learners with hearing impairment. This study is a desktop review and only relies on secondary materials. The literature was sourced in various databases. The review revealed that role-play improves the self-efficacy of the learner since the technique is grounded in reality. Learning is enhanced when the activities involved are memorable and engaging.Item Curriculum and Transition for the Intellectually Challenged Learners: Effects of Curriculum on Transition to the World of Work of Learners with Intellectual Disability from Special Schools(Scholars' Press, 2019) Maina, Hannah Njeri; Muthee, Jessinah; Murungi, CatherineMajority of children with intellectual disability continue to be in special schools irrespective of their age, ability and the duration of schooling. As a result they rarely leave school to join the community as a productive member of the society; where as the ultimate aim of special education is employability and independent living. People believe that persons with intellectual disability are not capable of obtaining and holding a job. This is not true, even though employment rate for adults with intellectual disability are minimal especially for young ladies with intellectual disability. It is out of the challenges faced by learners with intellectual disability in transiting from school to work that the research was conducted intending to investigate whether with appropriate planning and coordinated training, individuals with intellectual disability can secure and maintain meaningful and gainful employment.Item Relationship among Intelligence, Achievement Motivation, Type of School, and Academic Performance of Kenyan Urban Primary School Pupils(IGI Global, 2017) Muthee, Jessina; Murungi, Catherine GakiiThis chapter determines the extent to which primary school academic performance was influenced by the criterion variables. Two hundred pupils male and female of age 12 and 14.5years from both public and private primary schools in Nairobi city participated in the study. Multiple regression and t-test were used for data analysis. The results revealed that three independent variables; intelligence, achievement, motivation and type of school jointly and significantly contributed to the prediction of academic achievement of the urban primary school pupils. (R = 0.693, P < .01). In terms of magnitude of contribution, intelligence turned out to be the most significant predictor (Beta = .445, t = 7.503, P< .01) followed by achievement motivation (beta = 0.282, t – 5.042, P< .01) and type of school (Beta = 0.208, t = 3.615, P < .01). The results of t – test revealed that students from private schools differ significantly from students of public schools in academic achievement and intelligence but not in terms of achievement motivation.Item Communication in inclusive settings(Oxford University Press, South Africa, 2016) Runo, M. N.Item Job Motivation of Teachers Educating Learners with Special Needs in Four Provinces in Kenya(2004) Otube, Nelly WereOne of the main strategies for improving the quality of Special Needs Education (SNE) is to raise the morale and motivation of its teachers. To be successful, educational institutions need teachers, especially those with special education bias. This study investigated factors that enhance or lower motivation of SNE teachers. Studies reviewed supported the relationship between teacher retention and specific work conditions such as students’ characteristics, compensation, perceived administrative support and school climate among other variables. No study has been conducted that is directly related to the current study. The study employed the Job Design Questionnaire by Hackman and Oldham (1964) as well as the "Teachers’ Satisfaction Survey” by Herzberg (1959) both had a five point likert - type scale requiring special education teachers to indicate their views by a ticking against the options provided concerning statement about their jobs. The main theories guiding the study were Maslow’s "Hierarchy of Needs Theory", "Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory" of Motivation and the "Job Characteristic Model of Motivation" by Hackman and Oldham. The pilot study was first conducted in four special schools in Nairobi and Kiambu districts where a total of 40 teachers were randomly selected to participate. For the main study, the population was drawn from four purposively selected provinces including Nyanza, Eastern, Central and Nairobi. The schools were then grouped according to the four main categories of disability i.e. visually impaired, hearing impaired and mentally handicapped. A total of 16 special schools and 16 integrated schools were subsequently randomly sampled out of these categories. Specifically, the number of special school teachers was 142, while integrated teachers numbered 128. The total number used for the main study was 270. Data were analysed by the use of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The hypotheses for the study were tested using the independent sample t-test which compared the differences in the means of the special and integrated schools as well the marital status and gender of the teachers against the job motivation factors. The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) method was used to find the differences within groups of means while the correlation coefficient test was used to determine the relationship between job factors and teacher motivation. Findings were consistent with "Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory" indicating that every person strives for the fulfilment of certain needs. The present study shows that the teachers' state in the hierarchy of needs influences his or her work performance. The knowledge of unfulfilled special education teachers’ needs may enable stakeholders to influence their work performance. Findings are in agreement with Herzberg’s "Two-Factor Theory". Hackman’s "Model of Motivation" and Herzberg’s theory shows that intrinsically rewarding factors like recognition led to Job satisfaction.Item Ethnic identity, acculturation orientations and psychological well-being among adolescents of immigrant background in Kenya(2012) Mazrui, Lubna M.; Murugami, M.; Arasa, J.; Van de Vijver, F. J. R.; Abubakar, AminaThe aim of the present study was to evaluate the relationship of ethnic identity and acculturation strategies with psychological well-being among adolescents with an immigrant background in Kenya. A total of 269 adolescents from five high schools were involved. The sample included adolescents from Asian, Arab, and Somali immigrant backgrounds alongside native-born. A wide set of measures including the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure, Measure of Acculturation Orientation, Social Demographic Questionnaire, General Health Questionnaire and the Brief Students Multi-Dimensional Life Satisfaction Scale were administered. Ethnic identity (particularly the subscale on sense of ethnic belonging) was positively correlated with life satisfaction and psychological well-being. Moreover, cultural orientation towards the country of origin was closely related to psychological well-being. In conclusion, ethnic identity was associated with better psychological well-being among Kenyan adolescents. Conceptual models developed in the West can be applied in the African context when both sociocultural and economic factors are taken into consideration.Item Vocational Self-Concept and Decision Making Self-Efficacy(VDM Publishing, 2011) Murugami, M.; Nel, N.