High Rainfall Variability & the role of water use efficient technologies in maize productivity: A pamphlet for use by Extension Personnel and Farmers in Mbeere Sub- County, Embu County

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Mucheru-Muna, M.
Kisaka, M. Oscar
Mugwe, J. N.
Ngetich, F.
Mugendi, D.N.
Mairura, F.
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Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM)
tillage practices with various surface management technologies under sub-soiling stabilizes yield over time as compared to use of surface management strategies alone. Partners: Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM), Kenyatta University (KU) -is This pamphlet funded by RUFORUM -soiling -; Recommendation Sub Sub soiling helps to break the compacted soil layers allowing the rain water to percolate into the soil (Figure 5) This technique is very important especially in areas where soils compact forming a hard pan. In Mbeere yields of above 1.5 t/ha were achieved in farmers' elds with the use of sub-soiling. Minimum Tillage Reduced tillage is a practise in which the soil is tilled to some extent but not completely inverted. Reduced tillage means a smaller volume of soil is exposed to erosion and moisture loss by evaporation hence, conserving moisture (Figure 6) Figure 6: Minimum tillage Fig 5: Sub-soiling