Influence of strategic human resource management practices on performance of parastatals in Kenya

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Kiiru, David Muraga
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Kenyatta University
Worldwide, the public sector plays a central role in any country's socio-economic development. The sector has however been affected by globalization, public sector reforms, regional and international partnerships, climate change, Information, Communication and Technology and Human Resource Development, among other factors. In an increasingly changing global environment, the mandate, structure and operations of public sector must be reshaped and productivity enhanced to make it more focused, efficient and responsive to the needs of those it serves. TIllSresearch seeks to examine the extent to which strategic human resource management practices influence performance of Parastatal organizations in Kenya. Its specific objectives are to establish the relationship between strategic human resource management practices and organizational performance, examine the relationship between strategic human resource management practices and human resource capabilities, determine the relationship between human resource capabilities and organizational performance and to assess the extent to which public sector culture influence on the relationship between strategic human resource management and organizational performance. The philosophical foundation of the study will be positivism while the research design will be descriptive cross-sectional survey research design. The study population will comprise all 185 Parastatals in Kenya as outlined by the report of the presidential taskforce on para statal reforms of 2013. Self administered questionnaires will be used to collect data from three senior managers in areas of human resource management, strategy/operations and finance in each of these parastatals as they are assumed to be knowledgeable in the areas under study. Descriptive statistics such as mean scores, standard deviations, percentages, and frequency distribution will be computed to describe the characteristics of the variables of interest in the study while inferential statistics such as correlation, regression techniques will be used to establish the nature and magnitude of the relationships between the variables and to test the hypothesized relationships. Assessment of the model's underlying statistical assumptions will be conducted these will include tests for Normality, Homoscedasticity and Multicollinearity.