Service, quality evaluation and management practices of guest houses in Mombasa island, Kenya
Opondo, Josephine A.
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Guest houses offer an opportunity for entrepreneurs to offer accommodation
services at more affordable rates. They have limited number of rooms and are
therefore easier to operate and maintain. Additionally, Guest house operators are
well positioned to experience guest complaints regarding the services that they
provide. The purpose of this research was to assess the quality of services
provided by guest houses in Mombasa Island as rated by guests and the
supervisors and their management practices. The study had four objectives
namely; To establish the dimensions of customers' satisfaction with services
offered in guest houses in Mombasa Island, to determine the extent to which the
customers are satisfied with services provided in the guest houses, to investigate
room attendants' assessment of management practices in the guest houses and to
determine the accommodation supervisors rating of the quality of services
provided by the guest houses. A descriptive survey design was adopted. This
research focused on the registered and unregistered guest houses in Mombasa
Island. Out of the fifteen registered guest houses, three were used for pre-testing,
of the remaining twelve, six were examined. The number of unregistered guest
houses, was estimated to be thirty three; a third of the numbers were researched
on. Simple random sampling was used to select the both registered and
unregistered guest houses. Convenient sampling was used for the guests, while
stratified method was used for service providers. Primary data were collected
through observations, interviews and questionnaires. Data collected were analyzed
using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Techniques used included means
and factor analysis. The findings show that clean linen, guest supplies, well lit
rooms, convenient location of the guest house, comfortable bed, and friendliness
and courtesy of staff, convenient location, security and safety of room are the most
significant factors for the guests who visit the registered and unregistered guest
houses in Mombasa Island. The results of factor analysis showed that there are
two main dimensions of service quality:the physical characteristics of the guest
houses and the competence and courtesy of the staff. The study further showed
that the employees of the registered and unregistered guest houses in Mombasa
Island are not satisfied with how the management of the guest houses handles their
welfare particularly in relation to their pay, recognition of their contribution to the
running of the guest houses and availing enough working materials; but feel that
the guest houses are run efficiently and the staff are giving their best. Based on
these findings, the study concluded that guests' expectations from the guest houses
coincided with those of the guest house providers since the factors emphasized by
the guests are the same accommodation supervisors rated as satisfying. However,
there is need to expose staff to higher level training to improve on their
professionalism and communication skills.
Department of Hospitality Management, 144p. 2014, NA 7579.5 .O6