Information Seeking Behaviour of Practicing Nurses in Kenya: An Exploratory Case Study of Kenyatta National Hospital
Mwenda, Mugambi Frankline
Njoroge, Rose
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International Journal of Social Sciences and Information Technology
The objective of the study was to provide new insight
on how practicing nurses at KNH find information
to support clinical decisions. Previous research in
the field, demonstrate that information seeking
behavior has an effect on the nursing care and
practice. The study adopted descriptive survey
design; the target population was 1723 practicing
nurses. Structured questionnaires were used to
collect data. Data was analyzed by use of likert scale
and Microsoft excel and presented through tables,
charts, figure, graphs and percentage. Four
information needs were cited by practicing nurses at
KNH; patient care, in-service presentation,
presentation at a professional meeting/seminar and
scholarship application/career development. The
most preferred source of information was human
sources such as colleagues and doctors. Internet
came second as preferred source of information.
Public libraries and personal libraries were rated
lowly. Practicing nurses at KNH ware aware of
reference books, textbooks, personal contacts such
as colleagues and doctors as sources of information.
The insights from the study will help health
organizations in design of information services,
guide future researchers and contribute to the
professional knowledge.
A Research Article in International Journal of Social Sciences and Information Technology
: Information literacy, Evidence based practice, Health information
Mugambi, F & Njoroge, R (2017): Information Seeking Behavior of Practicing Nurses in Kenya: an Exploratory Case Study of Kenyatta National Hospital. International Journal of Social Sciences and Information Technology, Vol III Issue IX, November 2017