Rhizoclonium Grande Bioethanol in Biofuel Production by Transesterification of Jatropha curcas Oil
Kahindo, J. Mwangi
Chhabra, Sumesh C.
Musau, Richard
Ochieng, Odalo J.
Thoruwa, Thomas
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Scientific Research Publishing
There is a need for an alternative sustainable fuel based on renewable sources
and efficient carbon dioxide scrubbers. Alkyl esters prepared by transesterification of vegetable oils from various plants have been evaluated. In this work
the potential of sustainable macroalgae bioethanol in biofuel production by
transesterification of Jatropha curcas oil was assessed. Rhizoclonium grande
macroalgae was collected from Shimoni shores in Kwale, Shelly beach in
Mombasa, Jamvi la Wageni in Mtongwe Likoni, English point near Kenya
Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI) Mombasa, dried and
processed to obtain 5.36% ± 0.355% v/w bioethanol using Aspergilus niger for
hydrolysis and Saccharomyces cerevisiae for fermentation. J. curcas seeds
were collected from contracted farmers of Energy Africa in Shimba hills,
Coast region. Oil from the seeds was machine cold pressed and solvent extracted using n-hexane giving 44% - 53%v/w yield. The physicochemical
properties of the J. curcas oil were investigated. Transesterification of J. curcas
oil was carried out using bioethanol from the algae with 63% - 70% FAEE
yield. Characterisation of the bioethanol and ethyl esters was done using GCMS. Physicochemical and fuel properties of the biofuel were investigated at
Technical University of Mombasa (TUM), Jomo Kenyatta University of
Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Government Chemist and Kenya Pipeline Laboratories in Mombasa. There was significant difference in physicochemical and fuel properties observed in density, calorific value, kinematic
viscosity, pour point and cloud point between the Jatropha oil and Jatropha
fatty acid ethyl esters (JAT FAEE) samples. No significant difference observed
in the physicochemical and fuel properties between the JAT FAEE and standard biodiesel samples. This was according to statistical analysis of data done using STATA/SE 13.0 and Xlstat at 95% confidence level (P < 0.05) twotailed. From the findings bioethanol from R. grande biomass used in transesterification has a potential to improve the sustainability, physicochemical and
fuel properties of biofuel from J. curcas a non-food crop. The effect of the use
of bioethanol and its byproduct on shelf life of the biofuel can further be investigated.
A research article published in Green and Sustainable Chemistry
Jatropha curcas, Rhizoclonium grande, Biofuel, Physico-Chemical Properties and Fuel Properties
Kahindo, J.M., Chhabra, S.C., Musau, R., Ochieng, O.J. and Thoruwa, T. (2018) Rhizoclonium grande Bioethanol in Biofuel Production by Transesterification of Jatropha curcas Oil. Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 8, 62-73. https://doi.org/10.4236/gsc.2018.81005