Cloud Computing and its Applications in Tutorial Management: An Action Research Approach

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Thuku, John Kiiru
Oyot, Henry O.
Ondigi, S. R.
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Cloud computing is a recent technology that help organizations use third party internet-based servers and computing services to manage their operations without necessarily building and maintaining the networking infrastructure. Universities in Europe, America and Asia have gradually migrated some of their systems to cloud computing with great success. Indeed research show that where cloud computing has been adopted there exists many opportunities that improve teaching, learning and management at Universities. Unfortunately many educational institutions particularly in Kenya are not able to take full advantage despite the low costs involved, flexibility in access points and ease to integrate a wide range of devices such as ipads, phones and laptops that are accessible to students and tutors. To this end, there is need for research that identifies the potential areas of application and also on the systems that work in education process. This paper explores the need for action research in integrating cloud computing in tutorial administration and group discussions as a strategy to enhance interactivity and participatory in learning. It gives an overview of functionalities of E-learning systems and how group tutorials are suitable prototypes. Finally the paper explores how Kenya, as nation in the region, is ready to embrace cloud computing in elearning systems. Keywords: Group Tutorial Management, Cloud Computing, Learning Management Systems
Group Tutorial Management, Cloud Computing, Learning Management Systems
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Education. Nairobi, Kenya: Kenyatta University, July 14-16, 2015