Dengue Virus and Blood Safety: A Mini-Review of Research Publications
Mulakoli, Festus
Gachara, George
Ndombi, Eric
Khamadi, Samoel
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The growing demand for donated whole blood and blood products to save lives has both health benefits and health risks
for blood recipients at the same time. Dengue virus, a re-emerging viral disease poses a threat to blood safety, and it has
spread to over 128 countries in the world. Several studies have documented transfusion-transmitted (TT) dengue, with the
first cases being reported in China in 2002 and Singapore in 2008. To understand the magnitude and broader picture
of the dengue virus and blood safety, we conducted a mini-review of published literature from the Scopus database. The
review focused on the number of publications related to the dengue virus among blood donors. Using keywords ‘Dengue
virus’ AND ‘Blood safety’, ‘ Dengue virus’ AND ‘Blood donors’ and ‘Emerging infectious diseases’ AND “Blood safety”
were used to extract data from the Scopus database which was downloaded as a CSV Excel file covering a period
2004 to 2021. This was followed by a data-cleaning exercise and a descriptive analysis to generate the frequency
of the number of publications. Most studies, as can be seen in the review, were concentrated in tropical regions of
the world. Globally, South America and the Asian regions had the largest number of publications; while at the country
level, Brazil and India had the highest number. More research output was witnessed during the years 2014 and 2018.
The regions that experienced more frequent outbreaks of the disease, with the exception Africa, published most of the
research work. Therefore, much more research work is needed to protect the safety of blood donors in Africa
Mulakoli, F., Gachara, G., Ndombi, E., & Khamadi, S. (2023). Dengue Virus and Blood Safety: A Mini-Review of Research Publications. East Africa Science, 5(1), 1-7.