Integrating information communication and technology in mathematics education at secondary level, a case of Nairobi County, Kenya
Amuko, Oyeila Sheila
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Kenyatta University
The purpose of this study was to explore the various challenges and opportunities
influencing integration of ICT in teaching and learning Mathematics in secondary
schools in Nairobi County. The study sought to: Determine the levels of ICT
integration in teaching and learning Mathematics; identify the challenges and
opportunities of ICT use in teaching and learning Mathematics; and identify best
pedagogical practices used in teaching Mathematics using ICT. The study adopted
Rogers’s diffusion theory, whereby the user or adopter is critical in the whole process.
The study, adopted a descriptive survey research design hence data were largely
descriptive in nature. Three instruments were used to determine the results in the
study: teachers and student questionnaires’, a structured interview schedule for the
deputy heads of department and an observation checklist. The study was carried out in
twelve public secondary schools in Nairobi County. The schools included three
National schools and nine County schools. The study adopted purposive sampling to
select teachers, while simple random sampling to select schools, deputy principals and
Form Three students. The sample comprised two hundred and ninety nine (299)
respondents. The sample of the study included twelve secondary schools, twelve
Mathematics teachers, two hundred and seventy five (275) form three students and
twelve heads of Mathematics department. Data analysis was done using Statistical
Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20, which involved the use of
percentages and frequency tables. The findings indicated that there were low levels of
ICT integration; Mathematics teachers are not well prepared to integrate ICT in
teaching Mathematics. The study concluded that, despite, the major challenges faced
by teachers, they are expected to develop their technological skills and knowledge as
well as use ICTs in their teaching. This study recommends that students be allowed to
use smartphones for learning purpose only and teachers to be trained on how to
integrate ICT in teaching and learning Mathematics during their pre-service course
and in-service practice.
A thesis submitted to the school of education in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of master of education (mathematics education) Kenyatta University. March, 2016