Effects of environmental disasters on the family in Kenya
Mburugu, Keren G.
Kithinji, Ciriaka T.
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Kenyatta Universiry
Thepaper focuses on the main environmental disasters and issues in Kenya. Two main types of environmental issues
that impact on thefamily are: Natural disasters such asfloods, earthquakes and landslides; and man-made environmentalproblems
which include pollution, deforestation, community displacement, war and its effects such as landmines
and bombs; development projects which result in the destabilization of natural ecosystems.
The paper links environmental issues and thefamily situation e.g. poverty, poor crop yields leading tofood insecurity;
separation of family members; maiming of family members; death of family members as a result of war,
disease, poor unhygienic conditions at camps; loss of family property such as farms, livestock, stored grain and
homes. Strategies for conquering and coping with the various disasters are suggested
Paper presented at the Disparities in developing countries types, challenges and the way forward fourth international conference proceedings of the association of third world studies, inc. Kenya Chapter Kenyatta University Nairobi, Kenya September 17th to 19th, 2003