Influence of Tour Guide Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction in Narok County, Kenya
Nguya, James
Kariuki, Albert
Muthengi, Sisinio
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African Journal of Emerging Issues
Purpose of the study: The study explored the influence of tour guiding service quality on
customer satisfaction in Narok County, Kenya. The study variables were; Tour guiding
competencies, core service delivery aspects, tour guide’s orientation and status of sightseeing
Statement of the problem: The Kenyan government has been developing policies and
regulations geared towards improving the service quality of the tour guiding experience.
However, these policies are largely based on the views of the policy makers. The views of the
tourist, the consumer of the tour guiding services are largely missing. There is limited
research on tour guiding service quality and customer satisfaction in Kenya especially from
the customer’s point of view.
Research methodology: The study used a cross-sectional research design and SERQUAL to
evaluate the influence of tour guiding services on customer satisfaction. Primary data was
collected from 311 tourists staying in camps and lodges around the Masai Mara National
Reserve (MMNR). Descriptive statistics and regression analysis was used to analyse the data.
Results of the study: Results indicate that tour guiding competencies significantly and
positively influence customer satisfaction(R=0.805); punctuality, keen sense of direction and
enthusiasm being the most satisfying elements. Core service delivery aspects significantly
and positively influence customer satisfaction(R=0.696); delivery of the promised service and
knowledge of the destination being the most satisfying elements. Tour guide's orientation
significantly and negatively influence customer satisfaction(R=0.616); pressure to buy extra
excursions and soliciting for tips being the most unsatisfying elements. The status of
sightseeing vehicle had a significant moderating influence on the relationship between
service quality and customer satisfaction (R=0.644).
Conclusion: The study concluded that tourists’ satisfaction with tour guiding services is
enhanced by the ability of the tour guide to; demonstrate relevant competencies, deliver the
promised service and have adequate knowledge of the destination. Well maintained
sightseeing vehicles also lead to customer satisfaction. Soliciting for tips and pressure to buy
extra excursions by the tour guides leads to customer dissatisfaction.
Recommendation: The tour operators should develop a standard operating procedure for the
tour guides for uniformity of service quality regardless of the individual. Tour guides should
always be issued with a copy of the itinerary sold to the guests so as to deliver the promise in
the itinerary. Tour companies need a clear written policy on tipping and the sale of extra
excursions to minimize conflict between tour guides and tourists. The employment contracts
for tour guides should be addressed by government together with tour operators and tour
guide associations. Tourist transport vehicles should also be well maintained
An Article
Tour guide, Satisfaction, Service, Quality, Tourist