Assessment of the teaching resources for implentation of physical education curriculum in public secondary schools in kisii county -kenya

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Obungu, Gikenyi David
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Kenyatta University
The ministry of education in Kenya recognizes Physical Education (PE) as an integral part of the secondary education process as attested in the Preamble of PE syllabus for secondary schools (K.I.E 2002). The purpose of this study is to investigate the provision of teaching resources for PE in public secondary schools in Kisii County-Kenya. This is due to the fact that PE is largely a practical subject and for effective teaching, learning resources have to be availed. The study aims to find out if there are enough facilities, equipment, supplies, text books, qualified PE personnel and allocation of recommended curriculum time in school time tables to implement the 'secondary PE curriculum in public secondary schools in Kisii County. The study will adopt the descriptive survey design. Head teachers and PE teachers in 306 public secondary schools in the county will be the target population. Stratified and simple random samplings procedures will be used to attain a sample of 41 head teachers and 41 Physical Education teachers which represents 30% of the population for National and County schools and 10% for district schools who will be respondents in the study. A questionnaire and an observation check list will be used to collect the data from the respondents. After collecting the data it will be coded and organized for analysis using SPSS version 17.0 Descriptive statistics will be computed using charts, graphs, frequency distribution tables and percentages. The hypotheses of the study will be tested using chi-square test of significance. The study findings will be used by all stake holders involved in the development of PE (School inspectors, curriculum developers, head teachers, teachers, parents, and the academia) to ensure full implementation of the PE curriculum in Public Secondary Schools in Kenya. This will enhance correct acquisition of skills in various sports for both leisure and competitive purposes.